i am daylights

a highly inflamed sense of event

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

i hear ya/i'm achin'/i'm milkin' the miles

detour from friends' bands week. ugh. waking up in the four am hour with pure agonizing toothache, compounded with the knowledge of having nothing-stronger-than-over-the-counter-meds and dental-insurance--what's-that?. ugh. merrhugh. AND no one to bitch to except a fucking computer screen.

the moment i opened my eyes in pathetic, self-pity-full agony, this song began playing on repeat on the record-player-of-the-mind. this charlatans [uk] song originates in my life in that way-life-altering year 1997 at 16 years of age on a mixtape given to me by my boyfriend at the time. titled "british recolonization," it was back when mixtapes still had names and the ability to change someone's life. change someone's life. i mean that in entirety. do you know what i'm talking about? there are a myriad of stories; mine: you are 16. a boy gives you a mixtape with ride, my bloody valentine, spiritualized and slowdive [and all the other shoegaze/britpop/space rock flag wavers] on it. you listen to it every day. you fall in love. you drink black coffee and smoke harsh cigarettes with him. he leaves you, swiftly, for the u.s. navy, of all things. he leaves you, in numbing, languishing heartbreak, but you still have that mixtape. and you buy all the records by all the bands on it and try to track down the crazy verve import singles. and you grow up. and you forget what year he was ever supposed to get out of the military. and it's nine years later, and you're still talking about that charlatans song on that mixtape. ha!

charlatans uk
the charlatans [uk]
beggars banquet © 1995


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