i am daylights

a highly inflamed sense of event

Monday, March 13, 2006

the bed is in the ocean

i've resorted to superstition. i'm pretty sure that today's winds are here not only to chase away our miniature spring-time simulacrum, they're also aiming to blow far away the curse that has cloaked us for a full week now. life does feel a bit calmer now, but there's a lot of residual messiness hanging around. full nights have been slept. previously stalled tours around the country have resumed in new vehicles. but still, i donned my greek eye necklace [meant to ward away evil spirits] today with the intention of wearing it until we are absolutely in the clear.

i miss chicago already. it seems to get worse every time i come home. part of me wants to put an envelope in the drawer to start a moving fund, but luckily it's not the entire whole of me. it's hard to want to stay put when you have a job you can do anywhere.


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