i am daylights

a highly inflamed sense of event

Saturday, July 22, 2006

licking ice cream and arguing about hpv

the days run smooth. four certifiable estate sales attended in two or so hours. bargaining that turned to near arguing for the perfect michigan piece for s: the best beer sign i've yet to see. precious tiny bottles of sweet extracts for making [or now for displaying]: vanilla, hot cross buns, nutmeg, clove, sweet cherry and at least a half-dozen i've never heard of. new dress at the mall, fueling an additiction. something also "perhaps inappropriate," just a little. late afternoon held chicken marsala leftovers and feet soaked in epson salt at mom's. after, a funeral. after, ice cream. after, an ambien [hallucinatory? i'm starting to think so] kicked my ass. that shit is ________.

today: a wedding and funeral--but in the other order. today is a funeral and a wedding and all i can think of is the anticipation of the rush that takes over upon entering the city of chicago where we will be fully engaged next weekend. without fail, i get into loads of trouble in that city.


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