name another word for : foils

rat on station platform
life is overwhelming. i often liken it to the arcade [i'm thinking chuck e. cheese, specifically] game whack-a-mole. you know what i'm talking about? here:

whack-a-mole game life's overwhelming, so life's like whack-a-mole, whatever. this isn't whining, it's rambling! since i didn't drive my car for a few weeks [it's hard when your boyfriend has a brand new one!], my battery died, began to omit juices, was corroded, smoked, &tc. still working on getting that working. the coffeemaker my sister bought me for xmas doesn't work, and i HAVE to make it to hudson's [yeah i said it] this weekend to get one with a bright red working led screen. things that are good are getting WAY into crosswords courtesy of jeanne this week. today we bought crossword books, and i'm already addicted. we're starting out slow and easy, nice. nice, nice. tomorrow's a massive card party over here, crazy. my xmas stuff is still up, but i think it is almost everywhere. what's with that? work has been pretty quiet, but we are having a massive sale. you should come in. you can afford it, i know it! this american life was really, really great today. still working on finishing the tiny tote yeah-i-know-you-hated-the-colors-but-now-you-love-them crochet project. jeanne and i are working on designing laptop sleeves/cases/carrying pouches/things, and it's going to be amazing. i wish i could say that we're gonna make a million dollars off the idea. i guess you never know. tomorrow there are THREE amazing-looking estate sales in sterling heights. seriously! man. what a good day. i want to make potato leek soup, very very soon. i should work on a-soup-a-week goal, but that's not enough soups for a week! food processor, slow cooker, your time is so, so soon. anyone like the beach house album? i do. i'm starting to feel like such as old person, or old-minded or something. loving all these bands [see: beach house, radio dept.] that are big-time throwbacks to my old-timey [timer?] spacey music. blah. how boring!
so many things to make and do. thai soups, for one. slow cooker meatballs. a whole chicken in the slow cooker. more cilantro, more basil.
there was a dearth of pictures from my trip. here's a few:

tom yum soup at tiny thai

panang curry at tiny thai

steamed bun with chicken at momofuku

pork ramen at momofuku


sleepy? or mad? in brooklyn

we're in there, somewhere; nye, room4dessert
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