i am daylights

a highly inflamed sense of event

Saturday, April 08, 2006

i came here to be somewhere else

the show last night was great, so many people, definitely a packed lager house. knowing that i'm leaving soonish makes me appreciate everyone/everything so much more, and it's a fantastic feeling. it's nice to be a peach, not a little crab apple, ya know?

so my mom made this killer chili last night and gave us half the batch, but now all i smell is spicy, meaty, greasy CHILI. it's quite overwhelming, and it's making me quite insane, uneasy, nauseous, &tc. the thing is, i can't tell if i can just smell it emanating through the house or if the small amount i ate of it last night is seeping through my sweat and oil glands, is stuck in my nose, has permeated my hair, has become part of me, my "smell," my aura, my flora.... UGH. yes, it's pretty disgusting, and it kinda blows because the chili's really yummy. however, i'm unsure if i can put that stuff in my mouth again, risking myself being even further incorporated into merging with this food item.

other items: the wild parrots of telegraph hill, pretty crazy, decently good, overwhelmingly cheesy music, "can't-believe-it-was-made-just-last-year" vibe; new cherry preserves enliven monotonous mornings of whole wheat english muffins [really, change up flavors sometime]; investment in polaroid film produces high yield of results. &tc. knowing you're leaving increases motivation and productivity manyfold. manymanyfold.


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