i am daylights

a highly inflamed sense of event

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

locked up with the choir vandals

it's quite funny--actually it's not funny or curious at all--how a house of three people in bad/sour/grr! moods swiftly infect the third. like a quick blunt chop. last night i thought i could scrape the miniature colony of sick right off with a toothpick from the back of my throat. this morning, after nighttime mating, it's swelled to a size far too expanisive to elicit [not solicit]--okay, the words's ENABLE [note: kevin and i had a gigantic dispute surrounding the phrase "elicit/solicit a response". (it's elicit and the use of "solicit" is unacceptable. --ed.)] --successful or even efficient scraping off of those burgeoning, squirrely, evil colonies. sleeping on the uncomfortable couch didn't help.

the cause for much satisfaction and glee yesterday [with endurance through today, surely], is the website bloglines, a compiler of rss feeds from news/blog/&tc. sites that tracks updates on all the sites of your choosing so you don't have to check them with any frequency in hopes of new morsels of info. additionally, i installed a notifier into firefox [not sure how it works with other browsers] that situated a B in the lower right-hand corner of the browser that has a little red dot on its corner when one of your feeds is updated [props on non-intrusive/non-annoying means of alert].

it's the thick soup of winter, like walking in warm, really dry sand on the beach; insurmountable.


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