lately has been great. it feels like all we do is worry about money and listen to the national. always searching for a deal and listening hard for the most touching lyrics. getting the timing just right to hit up holiday market's clearance rack and score a 2$ chicken; reciting, "i've got your dreams and your teeth marks." it's the end of the summer, and i've barely listened to archer prewitt. i think i've barely felt melancholy. i can't wait to see snow with terry kind of in the way you excitedly anticipate the first snow for a native floridian. or someone's first rollercoaster ride. lately's been lots of bbqs, the state fair, a campfire in the backyard on labor day [complete with ensuing nasty anonymous letter from the neighbors... ooooooooo scarrrry], lots of movies complete with the stark dichotomy between seeing movies in birmingham versus universal mall [also, my super ex-girlfriend is nearly abhorrent], new books, new knitting projects [the weather change'll totally do that to you, the urge hits like a ton of bricks], the thrill of sleeping under blankets together again, so close, like two little sausages. last night we drove 13 mile deep into the east side until we hit the water. drove down jefferson a bit and got out to have a moment at a park [more like a lookout] tucked between houses at the water's edge. approaching the water, the full moon reflected an abundance of white light onto the water. approaching, it was so romantic. terry even said, "this looks like france." approaching and looking down the coast toward the lights of the city, i said, "this looks like athens." nice. and then we smelled. the POOP. poop. the undeniable smell of poop, neither combined with nor absent of any other smell. just POOP. terry joked around per usual, pinning me against the fence to continue [er, endure] the romantic moment while i gagged and coughed and karate-chopped his arm. then we got the fuck out of there. what the hell? i'm from fucking downriver, and the water doesn't even smell like that down there.
so everyone's in love, and everyone's moving. angela and ryan are leaving from living right above us to living just a block away. i haven't quite emotionally digested [er, approached] this change. but i wish them of course good luck and happiness. and i will miss them of course. but i will just walk down the street and hang out with them, it will be great! my sister is beginning her externship working [for free!] under the top pastry chef in the country right now at the very fancy
jean-georges in manhattan. what an opportunity. sometimes there is nearly a dearth of words for it. yesterday she officially secured her living situation for the duration [until february], which is only two blocks away, right at the top of the park. 59th and 5th ave, right next to the plaza hotel. take a look:

she'll be living in the building directly to the right of the hotel, in that little building mostly shrouded by the trees in this photo. so crazy! life is nuts, so absolutely nuts sometimes. i'm so-SO excited and proud of her. there's nearly a dearth of words for that too.
and chicago again this weekend for touch and go. i doubt kevin will tolerate listening to the national nonstop there and back. what am i gonna do?