i've always had a problem with the passive voice

marie antoinette is gorgeous but forgettable, much unlike coppola's last film, lost in translation [both gorgeous AND absolutely unforgettable; cult/obsessive-worthy]. c'est ça!
deep in the thick of watching all scary movies until halloween, we finished the shining last night and watched the original texas chainsaw massacre. admittedly, until the latter none of them frightened me much at all. but TCM, i wanted to turn it off the whole time. i think i'm scarred. and it certainly didn't help that terry assured me the whole time that it was in fact based on true events. !
in non-movie-ness stuff, the view outside my window is gorgeous this morning. we're nearly at peak of fall color, and it's finally sunny out today. the sky is perfect, perfect blue. we reorganized the middle room in the house, adding the china cabinet of my namesake, removing the leaf from the table, shuffling the plants around to give attention to those waning. i'll be filling up the china cabinet with my old barware collection, something that has never been on complete display. i had a dream last night where i acted like a mediocre jerk to terry and he wrote me a letter, which i recall being dotted with many words IN CAPITAL LETTERS, in which he also told me IN CAPITAL LETTERS, "YOU'RE FIRED!" laugh.
terry is dressing up as flava flav for halloween, and his costume is quite amazing, if i may say so myself. i went on a wild goose chase to track down the viking helmet [DEEP on the easssiiide!], but it was absolutely worth it. i plan to spray-paint the outside of the clock metallic gold before the big party we go to this weekend. for comfort [whining/bitching/melodramatics], i'm not wearing the dirndl this weekend and instead will be going back into the vaults to don the superman outfit from two years ago. i almost feel like i'm sticking my hand into a jar of something that's been lying, nearly dormant [only nearly], revisiting something that should not be revisited. jesus, it's a costume. wtf am i talking about.

just doesn't stop being funny
EDIT: how could i forget?!!! terry sold 1700$ worth of glasses to BOB SEGER yesterday!