all the boys go home alone, aww

met brooklyn-ites the oxford collapse [myspace] in the summer when they stayed at our house during the constantines tour, and they became instant big-time pals. they didn't come back until just a couple of weeks ago with we are scientists when they won the hearts and crazy-bobbing/bopping-heads of the fashion-y kiddies in the audience and bowled us over with their poprocks hooks, penchant for toe-ing-the-line fashions, way-inimitable manners and surely-innate ability to bring a fucking killer party. a good ground, their newest album, came out last july on kanine records and is still garnering brag-able reviews. the 2006 magic 8 ball reads HUGE things for these BIG friends.
oxford collapse
the boys go home
a good ground
2005 © kanine records
this is where i talk about detroit
just drove s to work downtown, and MAN is it a police state out there! cops driving around, parked on the medians, hiding in the parking lots of every city traveled -- detroit, hamtramck, ferndale, royal oak, &tc. no city left behind [perhaps the state abandoned its education mantra for the month], no shit!
other than picking him up from work tonight, today is probably the last day i'll see the city before the super bowl [which my mom accidently typed as "super BOWEL" today, har har], and it's pretty crazy to try to look at detroit [and area] from an outsider's perspective. the tents, a few fixed-up buildings, all the flashy signs, for a second i thought the facade had perhaps improved a smidge. the motown building at woodward and I-75 was torn down last week, and even though it's not RIGHT downtown, there's definitely a vacancy in the sky. i stared at that building to the point of nearly inducing accidents each time i passed it. but the other abandoned-ish, way-decrepit buildings DIRECTLY across the street from the football stadium remain erect today. i thought for sure those would be gone. but you can't tear down everything. you can't powerwash an entire city or even an entire downtown. you can't repair every building and erase all the tired and decades-faded advertisements on their sides. for a second i got greedy, thinking "why didn't they get a new awning for that bar?" and "maybe they could have fixed this road a bit better." WHATEVER. fuck that. everyone already hates detroit because it's dirty and scary, and you know what? it's totally dirty and scary. you learn to live with it, live within it and live right outside of it. and if you live in or near the city long enough, you learn to fucking love it. the look of broken, the look of old, the look of decay, despair, hopelessness, abandonment, the whole farm of bleakness feelings. it makes total sense, inextricably. paris hilton doing lines off the mayor's ass and jimmy kimmel pretending not to recoil from the mere thought of the city won't change anything. they'll leave, scorning detroit because it's dirty and scary.